Consett Area

Your Voice. Our Community.

Making a difference

Consett Area Neighbourhood Forum was officially formed on January 14th 2024. Our main aim is to work together to create a Consett Area Neighbourhood Plan, to support the improvement of the area for the Consett community. Our aim is to empower the Consett Community and ensure they have a greater input in the development of the town.

The Forum covers the Consett Neighbourhood Area, shown on the map.  The Neighbourhood Area was designated by Durham County Council on 7th November 2023.  A full explanation of the rationale for the decisions can be found in our application to Durham County Council.

Consett Area Neighbourhood Forum Map

Our Vision

By 2040 the Consett Neighbourhood Area will have benefited from appropriate and sustainable development, which recognises the needs of the locality and where vibrant economic growth, supported by investment and infrastructure, and the preservation of our distinctive environment go hand in hand.

 It will be a place where the whole community thrives, where our young people are able to access education, employment, leisure activities, services and homes they can afford, to encourage them to remain in the area and support the future sustainability of our town.  

 Visitors to the area are welcomed, with the potential of the visitor economy realised as a result of our rich heritage and natural beauty, which will be protected and enhanced for future generations.

CANF Management Committee

The role of the committee is to be more directly involved with the development of the Consett Area Neighbourhood Plan. All members of the Forum were invited to join the committee. The committee was formally voted in on the 14th January 2024. We have endeavoured to include members from across all areas of the town, and each member will be involved in a key area of development.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

Neighbourhood planning was introduced by the Government under the Localism Act of 2011. It’s an important and powerful tool that gives communities such as Consett planning powers to help shape development in their areas.  A neighbourhood plan a document that’s written by the local community - the people who know and love the area. It’s a powerful tool to help ensure that our community gets the right types of development, in the right place and that the areas, buildings and spaces we value are protected and enhanced through the planning process.

Because a neighbourhood plan is a statutory planning document, it must be prepared in a way that meets the requirements of planning regulations – a vital part of the process is community engagement. As a way of keeping up with our progress and the development of the Consett Area Neighbourhood Plan, please consult the live document.

Learn about the business

This section could be used for any information about your business. It could be used to introduce the story of the history/background of the business, the team or your key strengths or services. The picture could feature your team, your project work, the owners of the business or your products.

"Anyone who lives or works in the designated Consett Area can become a forum member. Please join us"

Christine Thomas - Chair

Would you like to register your business, charity or community group with us?

Our aim is to create a comprehensive index of the businesses, charities community activities, sport clubs, leisure activities within the designated Consett Area. 

If you would like to register your business, charity or community group, please complete our online form. The questions in bold is the information that will be included in the index. (This is a FREE service.)

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